COMPANY/ORG CONTACT PERSON/ORG EXPERTISE CONTACT INFO SERVICE REGION Julian Oes Julian Oes Software Development for PX4, MAVSDK, MAVLink, QGC, etc. LinkedIn, GitHub, Email Global IMTech Igor Misic PX4 Software Development LinkedIn, GitHub Global DroneSolutions Nuno Marques Software development, Solution architect, Computer Vision engineering, Log analysis and control tuning, Autonomous navigation (indoor/outdoor), Systems integration, Sensor characterization, Simulation development (SITL and HITL with Gazebo), Training LinkedIn, GitHub, Email Global AMOV easonYi PX4-Firmware, Mavros, Airsim simulation, Gazebo simulation, SITL, HITL Email APAC Titanian Inc Brian Phillips MAVSDK-Swift, iOS development, iPadOS development LinkedIn, GitHub, Email US/North America, EU, APAC JMG Robotics LLC James Goppert Software engineering, control systems LinkedIn, GitHub, Email US/North America Vimdrones Huibean Luo Software engineering GitHub, Email US/North America, EU, APAC Self Romain Chiappinelli Dynamics and Control, VTOL aircraft, Simulation-in-hardware LinkedIn, GitHub, Email US/North America, EU NscDg David Sidrane HW: System and FMU Design, SW:board support, Device Drivers and NuttX LinkedIn, GitHub, Email US/North America Ascend Engineering Andrew Wilkins Software Engineering, Simulation Testing, Real World testing, Mobility to your location LinkedIn, Email US/North America Rotoye Eohan George Lightweight CAN/SMBUS Battery Management Systems ROS, PX4 drivers, autonomy system design. Rapid testing and design of software/electronic/mechanical systems. Indoor-outdoor motion capture system (240fps) LinkedIn, Email US/North America, EU, APAC Aerospace: Rhoman Aerospace Thomas Youmans Custom control solutions, Firmware and control algorithm adaption and updates, Gazebo, JSB & AirSim simulations, VTOL multi-rotor, Tilt-rotor and Fixed-Wing VTOL LinkedIn, Email US/North America Tilak Pierre-Louis Tilak PX4, QGC, Simulation, Payload Integrations. Project Management, Deep Learning models, Python, C, C++, Linux, Qt, Docker LinkedIn, Email