Meet the ContributorJaeyoung Lim is a software engineer in Auterion. You can find him on Github,...
Meet the Contributor – Matthias Grob
Meet the ContributorMatthias Grob the PX4 maintainer for multi-copters, and is a flight control...
Meet the Contributor – Jacob Crabill
Meet the ContributorJacob Crabill is the embedded / robotics lead at Volansi. You can find him on...
Meet the Contributor – Peter van der Perk
Meet the ContributorPeter van der Perk is an embedded Software Engineer at NXP. You can find him...
Meet the Contributor – Mark West
Meet the ContributorMark West is a PX4 developer based in the US. He is an active member of the...
Meet the Contributor – Tanja Baumann
Meet the ContributorTanja Baumann is an active community developer in PX4. She has a MSc in...
Meet the Contributor – Mohammed Kabir
Meet the ContributorMohammed Kabir is an active community developer in PX4. He is an undergrad in...
Meet the Contributor – Mathieu Bresciani
Meet the ContributorMathieu Bresciani is PX4’s multicopter maintainer. He is an expert in controls...
Meet the Contributor – Jacob Dahl
Meet the ContributorJacob Dahl is a community contributor from Salt Lake City, United States. He...
Meet the Contributor – Hamish Willee
Meet the ContributorHamish Wilee is maintainer for PX4 documentation (user guide and developer...