The developer team welcomes the addition of the H7 based flight controller designed by Holybro to the PX4 Autopilot supported hardware roster. Durandal is shipping with PX4 (master) pre-installed.
- STM32H7 running at 480 MHz
- 2 MB of Flash memory
- 1 MB of RAM
- New vibration absorption system
- Dual high-performance, low-noise IMUs
Note to users: Please update QGroundControl to 3.5.6 for Durandal support.
The Durandal resources in the PX4 User Guide include:
- Technical specifications
- Connection diagrams
- Assembly and setup instructions
- Instructions on how to build firmware for Durandal
- Debug port information
- Pinout diagrams
- Relevant links from the manufacturer, including a purchase link.
- PX4 support – David Sidrane, Beat Kung
- Documentation – Hamish Willee
- Testing & User experience feedback – Dronecode test team and various community member
Thanks to David Sidrane, and Beat Kung for pushing to get Durandal supported on a demanding timeline, and to all the community members who helped make this possible.
Lastly, but not least importantly, thanks to Holybro for once again trusting the PX4 community. Thanks to Auterion for sponsoring the development, and to Dronecode for the test team flight support.